English (United States) en_US

Based on PHP intl data: ICU 65.1. Data 65.1.

Plural Rules #

Cardinal plural #

Category Rules
one i = 1
other Everything else
{n, plural, one{# one} other{# other}}

Ordinal selectordinal #

Category Rules
one n % 10 = 1 and n % 100 != 11
two n % 10 = 2 and n % 100 != 12
few n % 10 = 3 and n % 100 != 13
other Everything else
{n, selectordinal, one{#-one} two{#-two} few{#-few} other{#-other}}

Numbering schemas #

Spellout #

Schema Example Result
{n, spellout,%spellout-numbering-year}
four hundred seventy-one
%spellout-numbering (default)
{n, spellout,%spellout-numbering}
four hundred seventy-one
{n, spellout,%spellout-numbering-verbose}
four hundred and seventy-one
{n, spellout,%spellout-cardinal}
four hundred seventy-one
{n, spellout,%spellout-cardinal-verbose}
four hundred and seventy-one
{n, spellout,%spellout-ordinal}
four hundred seventy-first
{n, spellout,%spellout-ordinal-verbose}
four hundred and seventy-first

Ordinal #

Schema Example Result
%digits-ordinal (default)
{n, ordinal,%digits-ordinal}

Duration #

Schema Example Result
{n, duration,%with-words}
130 hours, 53 minutes, 47 seconds
{n, duration,%in-numerals}
%duration (default)
{n, duration,%duration}